" Wherever you go, no matter the weather, always bring your own sunshine." - Anthony J. D'Angelo

January 18, 2016

Forward Motion

I finished off 2015 with surgery on my left wrist to remove hardware from a previous break. At my one week check up my surgeon told me he "recommends" I wait another week before running as to be safe from getting an infection or falling and re-injuring the bone. Naturally, I went running the next day. With Gorges 50k only about 12 weeks away, I couldn't (mentally) afford to wait for another week of no running. I am already behind where I want to be and have to proceed with caution since this pesky Plica Syndrome seems to have grown ever fonder of my knee. I was been able to get in some decent running prior to surgery and today I was finally able to get in my first workout. 

Since it was MLK day I was able to meet up with Coach Dad for some hill repeats along the bike path. Although they weren't at a real hard effort, it felt good to be doing something other than an hour of easy running and I feel like it is a step in the right direction. I need to keep reminding myself that right now any forward motion is progress and that every time I do run - no matter the pace - I am getting more fit, I am getting stronger and I am not sitting on the couch! 

I followed my run today with a strength session at The Ranch Athletics and so far I am feeling really good - other than wanting to take a nap! The holiday allowed me to take a day to focus entirely on training and it seems to be what I needed to get me back on the training wagon. I am looking forward to being back on a regimented training plan and to be able to race again soon!

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." -MLK

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