Freeplay Magazine is a women's endurance sports magazine that features stories about badass and motivational woman from road racing, trail running, triathlons and anything else woman can excel in. They promote something that most adults these days do not get enough of: FREEPLAY. I myself being an endurance athlete and all together out door lover, I am proud to be part of a team of like-minded women who like to get outside and compete.
We constantly hear how important hydration is to athletes, but hydration is more than just taking in water. You have to replace what you sweat out. That is where Nuun comes in. They make a variety of tablets you add to your water to help keep you hydrated and balanced. I have used Nuun tablets for years between running, riding and even climbing - as many of you know with Seth around, a weekend for me could include all of the afore mentioned activities! I am excited to be able to be part of their team of amazing athletes and to make my water count!

Any athlete will tell you that any bit of support helps. Whether its moral support or physical support, we appreciate everything that we are given. I feel so lucky to be able to be part of companies who's products I love and who feel that I am worthy to wear their logo. To all of you I say:
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