" Wherever you go, no matter the weather, always bring your own sunshine." - Anthony J. D'Angelo

March 23, 2012

Race Report: Shamrock'n and me pot o' gold

So it's been about two weeks now since the Shamrock'n half-marathon and I am having a hard time trying to find the words to describe the race. (I have been without internet due to an impulse to decision to cancel it because of our shitty service.) I thought I would keep it short and sweet and let you enjoy a fun photo blog :)

 Right around mile 2

 Surprise MOM sighting at mile 9 1/2! :)

 My lead cyclist pulling me at around mile 12.5

Rounding 3rd base. . . 

...and heading for home! 

Crossing the line FIRST FEMALE and a NEW PR!!

Chris, first male, and I with our new bats :)
Results are in!


Having a little fun enjoying my first big win!

To sum it up: It's a day for the books for this gal!

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